Friday, October 30, 2009

This Week In Exhibition...

The 5th graders of Roberts Elementary School have been researching for Exhibition. This week, the students from Ms. St.Amand’s class are here to tell you what they think about the research so far. It’s harder than most students imagined it would be, and many of them are struggling to keep up with how much time they have left to complete this part of Exhibition. They think their mentors help a lot by leading them through the exciting process of learning more about their topics. Narrowing down those topics has been challenging for the majority of the 5th graders! Most of all, it is a very fun and exciting experience for all of us!!!! And just think, this is just the beginning! Please make a comment to let us know what you think about it!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October has been an extremely busy month for our fifth graders. Since the students finished the creation of this year's central idea, they have been hard at work preparing for this huge project. They learned what "action" truly meant by volunteering at the Houston Food Bank, where they helped feed over 10,000  people. Then the students decided which topics they thought they might be interested in, and whether they would like to work together or alone. Currently, the fifth graders are busy researching their selected topic and working with their mentors who will guide them throughout the entire unit of inquiry. The kids are extremely motivated and excited. If they could, they would work on Exhibition all day!