Friday, October 30, 2009

This Week In Exhibition...

The 5th graders of Roberts Elementary School have been researching for Exhibition. This week, the students from Ms. St.Amand’s class are here to tell you what they think about the research so far. It’s harder than most students imagined it would be, and many of them are struggling to keep up with how much time they have left to complete this part of Exhibition. They think their mentors help a lot by leading them through the exciting process of learning more about their topics. Narrowing down those topics has been challenging for the majority of the 5th graders! Most of all, it is a very fun and exciting experience for all of us!!!! And just think, this is just the beginning! Please make a comment to let us know what you think about it!


  1. I always thought exhibition would be easy and the process wouldn't be 3 months. I never thought that we would have to narrow it down so much from the topic we chose and I also didn't think that we would talk about the things we do in mentor meetings and all the research we would get and pull from the internet. I am also glad we are learning how to copy and paste because I've always wondered how people do that and to get more experience with getting research from the internet

  2. one thing i would like to add to this is that working in the laptops for research was really fun and that the hardest part SO FAR was transferring the info into our own words. I would LOVE to work on exhibition all day long!!!!

  3. I think of exhibition it vrey hard/fun.
    It is fun researching and my goup and Iwork so hrad and we highlight the research we found and put it in this package and put it in are own wrods that we highlighted.Are mentors are fun,and hope next year will have a great time!!!!
    Have fun next year people!!

  4. I think exhibition is a very good thing for us to do. We are now in the reasearch phase of the project. We get on the computers and copy and paste,print it out and READ,READ,READ
    over our reasearch so we will be an expert on our topic. If I could,I would work on exhibition all day!

  5. I tihnk of exhibition is very hard/fun.
    It is fun researching with my group and I,and we work so hard.We highlight the research we find and pyt it in a package then we put it in are own wrods that we highlight.are mentors are fun,I hope next year will have a great time!!!!
    Have fun next year people!!

  6. Exhibition is very but very challange read,read read and write I love exhibition but it is so hard and chalange HAPPY HALLOWEN

  7. What I think about 5th grade exhibition is that it`s fun and interesting and my favorite part is meeting with my mentor.
    He is sometimes funny and rilly helps us with our exibition project.


  8. Exhibitioin is awsome! I think it is definatly a challenge but it's fun to do. We have to be resposible but i think that will help us in the future.

    Happy Halloween!

  9. (BTW:You Spell it like rEAlly and hAlloween)

  10. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I agree with kyle I think it will help us be responsible in the future.
    Happy Halloween!!!

  12. I like exhibition because it's fun.I like to meet with my mentor,and do it with my friends.
    I wish I could do it in korea too.

  13. I think that 5th grade Exhibition is very fun, but also very hard. The thing I like so far about Exhibition is meeting with our mentors. The hardest part about Exhibition is transfering the research into our own words.


  14. Fifth grade exhibition research has been difficult and a bit stressful. It's so easy to lose time and get off topic! But, our topic is interesting, and I am learning lots!

  15. One word hard. You always have to be on top and on task, finding information and copying and pasting, copying and pasting. I love meeting with our Mentors and even though transferring information can be hard, it helps you in the long run to be an expert. :)

  16. I think that exhibition is really cool, but I also think that you need to have a lot of responsibility, because on must be on time for things

  17. I really like exhibition because I feel like I have learned so much about my topic than I had known before!!! I also love my mentor. She is really helping me through this process!!!!! By: Abigail Smith

  18. I feel like exhibition is very diffrent from
    other projects. youre ideas is much more independant. however you are much more likely to do poorly if you day dream through the proccess
    paul michie-derrick

  19. I think I'd like to add that the researching process is a challenging but fun process because you get to learn so much from the research.

  20. i think it is cool because if you really dont know that person you get to meet them.hayden

  21. I realy like exhibition research because i learn realy cool stuff about my topic and it is kind of hard but fun!

  22. I like exhibition because you I am finding new information that I wouldn't normalltthink about.

  23. I think that exhibition was harder than I thought it was going to be. I think that finding the right reasearch to print out was hard because we narrowed down our topic to how gang affect the community.This exhibition project will help us in the future.Our Mentor helps us a lot. He knows a lot about our topic. He doesn't like to do things a boring way so he likes to be silly.I learn a lot of new things.

  24. I think exhibition is awsome because you get
    to learn alot from your research and we got
    to come up with our own topic. I also think
    finding the reasearch was REALLY hard

    EXHIBITION ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Anusha De said.....

    I think that the best part of Exhibition is that you can learn more about a topic that you are very interested in, and that you picked yourself. It`s not the same if the teacher just picks it for you. I like being able to exchange emails with experts and interviewing people. I don`t like that you have to hand in the research packets. It would probably be much better if you could just recieve the instructions like we did, and then do the project and have the teachers judge you by the final product that everyone else sees. Apart from that, I think Exhibition rocks!

  26. Aneil Marathi said...

    I think that then best part of exhibition is hosting interviews. At first it seems nerve racking, but after you get used to it, it is really fun!Talking to a real person saves you the trouble of filtering out all the unwanted information from the research.That way you can save time and have a great time. It is a win win.Plus you can drive the interview. That way, you can get only the information you need and nothing you don't.

    Exhibition is AWESOME!!!!!

    :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :] :]

  27. Anusha.A said.....

    I think exibition is a challenge and you always have to be neat. You have to always make sure that you have all your stuff. Even though it is a challenge it is really fun.

  28. I like exhibition because I get to have fun and learn about new stuff.Exhibition is fun but hard. My partner and me were having a hard time narrowing down our topic,but now I think our topic is set. I am very happy with my mentors who helped me and my partner a lot through this proccess so far. Exhibition rules!!!

  29. Exhibition is a challenge in the part of planing a good action plan. On that part its very interesting to find a way to help others. It's fun and you could even maybe lead to a big difference!!!

    It rocks!HA!HA!

  30. exhibition is hard and challengig but very fun i wish that i could do this in middle school and high school to

  31. I think Exhibition is very fun but challenging,too.The hard part is when you have to come up with an action plan that has to relate to your topic and making a difference in the world.

  32. I agree with Anais. Exhibition is challenging.That's why it is so fun doing exhibition.The action is the hardest part in my opinion. I can't find any actions that relate to my topic.

  33. I love exhibition. I think it is a fun way to learn. I think my favorite part will be the action part because you get to help people and for our project (maybe) will be educating people. The most fun will be the visual part. We can show people what we learned and teach them and have fun.
    I hope we do great on exhibition!!!!

  34. I like exhibition because I like to learn more about the topic I have chosen. The fun thing about exhibition is meeting with our mentors and talking to them about our topic. I also think finding an action is hard but i still enjoy exhibition!

  35. Exhibition is fun but very difficult.You have to work hard, but the end result is good.I like having a mentor to help guide us in exhibition.I can't wait for exhibition day.

  36. I like exhibition because you can talk to (and contact) new people,and be an expert on things. It was harder than I expected, though.

  37. I agrre with Shruti. For me, one of the best parts of Exhibition so far is learning more about the topic and becoming an expert on it and being able to educate other people about it. The action seems hard to do at first, but planning it and seeing how it turns out is really interesting because it is what seperates Exhbition from a normal research project.

  38. I think that exhibition is challenging but fun. You pick a topic and you research about and maybe later we could be pro on that topic and that info may help later on

  39. I agree with all of them . Exhibition is hard.All of the posts are put it in there own words.I could tell without even looking at the names who had writen
    the posts.

  40. Robert/bob GottschalkNovember 3, 2009 at 5:20 PM

    I think that all of there posts show thatexhibiton is hard but eventualy we will get it done and i think all the posts reflect that its hard but we will get it done.

  41. Sophie Fang said....
    The best part about exhibtion is researching because it is fun going on the internet to look for facts and look in a book for information. You get to learn new facts you did not know.
    () () (._.)

  42. Robert/bob GottschalkNovember 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM

    Exhibition is not an easy task but we will get it done.

  43. Exhibition seems really fun but it is hard. The info part is easy but when you get to the action part it's kind of hard to see how your action helps and relate to the topic. Also I'm totally glad that I have a partner and a mentor to help me!

  44. But I also think that everyone's is right though;exhibiton is fun but challenging!

  45. I think it's fun and exciting. It makes a differents in the world. It also making you learn in a "fun" way.

  46. I think the hardest part of exhibition is interpreting our research into our own words.

  47. I think it is fun and very cool. It will help us get to know how to research and what to do about our topic.

  48. Even though it might take... 3 MONTHS!!!!

  49. I agree with all of these comments, exhibition is hard and challenging but fun at the same time we have to work hard and get everything in order to get ready for mentor meetings,action planning and of course exhibition.Are mentors help us so much.But Ithink that exhibition is great practice for us for when we get to middle school,exhibitions also kind of like a business with getting everything ready and oranized on time.But most of all exhibition ROCKS!!!!

  50. I think exhibition is a lot of fun, because
    I learned alot about my topic(pupply mills)
    that I didn't know before. I think every single school should do exhibition.

  51. I think Exhibition is the funnest project in the entire year.I love getting on the computer then copying and pasting then READING alot alot alot.i love transfering information into our packet.I'm also really excited about doing our action.I CANT WAIT TO FINALLY DO OUR EXHIBITION!EXHIBITION ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. Exhibition is so fun and cool that everytime Ms.Konvicka say that it is exhibition I want to shout and scream Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. THe action part of exhibition is really fun but hard. the thing that keeps me going while planning the action is that i know i will be helping and educating many people. i think so far this is the hardest part, but it helps the most,for us and the world.

  54. I really think comeing up with a really good action that realtes with your topic is hard but i had alot of fun comeing up with an action! Now im looking foward to actuly going and doing my action!!!!

    Abigil Smith

  55. I'm really excited about doing my action so I can see the outcomes of what my action will do! I'm really excited but I also feel challenged! It's something that may take a while and I can't get my hopes up if it doesn't work! : D
    -P.S. I'm having fun!

  56. i am really having fun in exhibition and my action is to plant trees in a small town called Moulton

  57. I'm really excited about my action ,because we can do the action outside the school.My action is to go to neighbors and ask if they have money to donate .


  58. I'm really excited about the action proccess of exhibition.I'm also kind of nervous because this part takes a long time to do.My action is going to grocery stores and collecting gift cards for famalies with fallen soldiers.

  59. I love seeing all of the different topics that everyone is interested in inquirying about. But what I love the most are the actions that everyone is taking. What a difference you are all making in the world.

  60. Right now I am so excited about Exhibition.Also saying out loud seems easy but I wonder how I will feel when I have to do it.I really want to get to do exhibition quickly so I can see what is coming next.I Love EXHIBITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. I was kind of nervous about our "Fith Grade Exihbition" when we were just starting but now I feel a little bit more calm about it,...but I still think experience will be so SPECTACULAR AND TREMENDOUSLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
