Exhibition is right around the corner…can you believe it? We have been working hard since the beginning of October, and can’t wait for you to see what the students have produced! They have just finished creating their visual representations and are now working on their oral presentations. The students will be presenting their Exhibition projects to their own classes this Friday and to other fifth grade classes on Monday as practice for the real thing. Please remember that Exhibition Day is next Tuesday, December 15th. Each class will present for one hour in the cafeteria beginning at 9:00 a.m. Students are to dress as if they are going to a special event like the fifth grade veterans pictured above. Please no jeans, t-shirts, or tennis shoes. Boys usually choose to wear slacks and a button-up shirt or polo. Suits or ties are optional (but mighty cute!). Girls usually choose to wear slacks and a blouse or a dress. After all of this hard work, what do you suppose the kids are thinking? Are they ready for Exhibition Day? Are they nervous or excited? Click on the comments to find out for yourself!