Exhibition is right around the corner…can you believe it? We have been working hard since the beginning of October, and can’t wait for you to see what the students have produced! They have just finished creating their visual representations and are now working on their oral presentations. The students will be presenting their Exhibition projects to their own classes this Friday and to other fifth grade classes on Monday as practice for the real thing. Please remember that Exhibition Day is next Tuesday, December 15th. Each class will present for one hour in the cafeteria beginning at 9:00 a.m. Students are to dress as if they are going to a special event like the fifth grade veterans pictured above. Please no jeans, t-shirts, or tennis shoes. Boys usually choose to wear slacks and a button-up shirt or polo. Suits or ties are optional (but mighty cute!). Girls usually choose to wear slacks and a blouse or a dress. After all of this hard work, what do you suppose the kids are thinking? Are they ready for Exhibition Day? Are they nervous or excited? Click on the comments to find out for yourself!
really excited because nico and i have been doing good in exhibtion!
I'm really scared,because i am not good in front of lage groups of people.
ReplyDeleteI am REALLY excited and nervous at the same time. I am nervous because just the idea of talking in front of a lot of people makes me nervous. I am excited because…… OF COURSE it is almost exhibition day! The time management is really hard because the deadlines seem to be coming REALLY fast, but I think my partner and I can finish, with lots of time left, before exhibition day! I can’t WAIT for exhibition!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have mixed emotions but for the most part I can't wait for exhibition! I know I will do fine on exhibition day but there is always that what if this goes wrong feeling you have inside you! Can't believe exhibition is basically over! But I can't wait till exhibition day!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited and little bit worry because I did not see like this project.I love my project because so interesting . I am very excited for EXHIBTION . I WAIT EXHIBTION DAY...
ReplyDeletei am really excited about exhibition because even though my group got off to a shaky start we have done a very good job coming back. also i am good with oral parts of stuff and thats all we have to do.
I am realy nervous that exhibiton just less than one week away! I am nervous about the oral presentation and standing up in front in tons of people! To me, these past three months have gone by like a week of taks testing... the equivelent of three months!!I wish we could have one more month. I did not expect exhibition to be so hard. I thought their would not be this much to exhibition. It is clearly the BEST project I have ever done!!
ReplyDeleteI'm realy happy about my exhibition project because i think the people that are going to be there are really going to like my group and i topic.
ReplyDeleteI am nervous and exited about Exhibition. These past 3 months have gone by so fast! But I think that me and my groug have done a pretty good job so far. I am worried about oral presentations, but we are getting along fairly well.
ReplyDeleteI am so exited and nerves about exhibition. I can't belive that exhibition is right around the corner. I am nerveos becausse my group isn't doing so well and I am not so good talking in big crouds. I am excited about exhibition because it's right around the corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTime is really a problem for me right now. I really think I'm gonna finish. It seems like time is going so fast! See you on Exhibition Day!
ReplyDeleteSophie Olivia Morgan
I am very confident about exhibiton. I'm confident because all of this hard work is going to pay off. We worked from late Sepetember to December 15th which is exhibition day. I am also a little nervous. I'm nervous because i am hoping that the kids and adults will like our project. I hope they will stay not leave. And most importantly, I hope they learn something out of our project.
ReplyDeleteExhibition just like boomed out of nowere i'm really excited about and I think me and my group is prepared but i think we're all nervous, i'm nevous beacuse as far as i know who knows what qeastions the'll ask, I must be prepared!
ReplyDeleteI'm very excited about exhibition but a little nervous too. We have been working soooo hard and finally it's here! I'm nervous because I'm wondering if I'm going to get a good grade and if evrybody will like our project.
ReplyDeleteWell, I know that I am certainly excited about Exhibition, and reading your comments has made me all the more eager for next week! I am not nervous at all because I was able to witness all of your hard work and I am confident that this will be the best Exhibition yet!
ReplyDelete:) Ms. St.Amand
I'm very nervous so far about Exhibiton because I didn't know that we had to do so much work, and that I felt like just yesterday we started Exhibition. Though, I'm excited to get to see all of the kids come in so fascinated and maybe pick our topic and maybe want to learn more about Child Abuse. I'm pretty much a little of both, I just can't wait! :)
ReplyDeleteAll of these parents snapping pictures and I feel like I got so into something, I've never done that before.
I can't wait and good luck to everyone else! Hope you'll do good!
-Yours truly,
Gabby :)
I'm so nervous because at first I didn't even know what exhibition was and I didn't know we had so much things to do.
ReplyDeleteI am so nerves about exhibition day. It will sneak up on you as if you only had one day to work on it.And I did not expect exhibition to cause so much work .But i can't wait till exhibition day.So i geuss you could say i am in the middle about exhibition .I konw exhibition is not over yet but iI am so nerves about exhibition day. It will sneak up on you as if you only had one day to work on it. And I did not expect exhibition to cause so much work .But I can't wait till exhibition day. So I guess you could say i am in the middle about exhibition .I know exhibition is not over yet but I had a lot of fun working on exhibition with my partner ,Samantha. had a lot of fun working on exhibition with my partner ,Samantha.
ReplyDeleteI'm super excited for exhibtion day. Though I am a little nervous, I feel that I know my topic and am at a good point in the process. It has been way harder that I thought it would have been though! I am interested in my to[pic, and it has motivated me. I want to get people to prevent water contmaination, if we do, we can impact humanity and affect the future!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for exhibition day! Everyone has worked so hard for exhibition day! It took a long time but it was worth it! Like i said, i can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI think exhibition shows us time flies and I'm very excited because we finally are the people to present!!
ReplyDeleteI am happy,sad, and nervous! I am nervous because I am nervous because it is going to be scary doing a presentation in front all those people! I am happy because I love doing exhibtion! I am sad because I don't want to stop doing exhibition, it was such a great experiance doing all of this, i love exhibition and I don't wanna stop, Exhibition rocks!
ReplyDeleteI am very nervous about Exhibition I am also excited about it too. It was very fun now we are coming down to the wire now only a few days left. Now the day is almost here I am excited alot.
ReplyDeleteI am so nervous and happy about Exhibition,
ReplyDeleteExhibition, day is slowly creping up on us
although we are all very ready the thought of standing up infront of all those people is stil creepy. Even though I'm scared i am so
soory, i added the extra nervous part :)
ReplyDeleteI hat that exhibition is going to be over but then im excited that we get to show the whole school our projects and what we been doing for the past three months.
ReplyDeleteim a very nervous about exhibiton next week cause i still need to do my action.
ReplyDeleteI loved exhibition, but also found it challenging: it is hard to keep track of every thing even though me and annie get lots of help. I feel sad that it is almost over because i had so much fun during the whole project, but I am so excited about the visual presentation and I think that all of the fifth grades' visuals are great even though i haven't seen all of them. I feel nurvous about speaking in front of people because it feels a little scary to see all those people listening to you, what if they just stand by our table and go away before we even get to finish presenting to this group of people. i still think that this tuesday is going to be the best tuesday in the whole entire year ( at for me)
ReplyDelete( at least for me)
I have Mixed emotions I'm very excited and how we get to teach other kids all about our topic. I'm also very nervous though even though I know we are going to do awesome and there are going to be mistakes made but you learn from your mistakes and get better each time you present. So I overall I can't wait for EXHIBITION!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way Anais does BUT I believe we can make it through!I also want exhibition to come really quick because at the end we have a surprise for our mentor.I am itchy with anticipation *scratch scratch* I just can't wait! If I do feel nervous I'm not going to show it!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait until exhibition day! We have a tri-fold board and an interesting model to show. We have everything ready to go and I can't wait until exhibition.(I don't feel nervous)
ReplyDeletei can't wait until exhibition.we made the best tri-fold we could. are you nervous?
ReplyDeletei am.we are making a model.i made my mentor a nice thank you letter and will give it to her on exhibition day.
i can't wait!!!!!!
I love Exhibition! AT first I didn't know much about my topic but now I know a lot. It is so fun to work with your partner on action. For me action was the best part ever!! Me and my partner, Anoushka got to visit the Fire Department. We also collected 106 dollars and bought 10 smoke detectors! The visual was also fun. But I liked the Action better. I can't wait till Exhibition comes!
ReplyDeletecorbin I cant wait till exhition day im really exitied about it i love my project and i think its really fun
ReplyDeleteHi,it's me again.Well I am very excited and nervous but doing good.My visuals are awsome.I am going to do sooooooo well.
ReplyDeleteI am nervous but at the same time I know that I can accomplish exhibition. I made a 3-d model of a desalination plant and made a powerpoint. the anticipation of all the 3 months work is going to pay off on one day for an hour I'm excited and my mentor has always been helping me every step of the way.
ReplyDeleteI am really nervous!!! But I know that we have to do this. So I might as well go with the flow. We made a tri fold board and a blog. I can't wait until exhibition day!! :)
ReplyDeleteI feel really nervous! But I am soooo excited! I love exhibition. It is a fun way to learn. I wish it would never end.
ReplyDeleteI am very nervous and excited. Jonathan and I know what we're doing. I am worried what I'm going to wear on Exhibition Day. I like Jonathan as an exhibition partner and i think we will do GREAT.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that exhibition did come by really fast it seems that right when we started this school year we immediatly started working on exhibition! But exhibition has been really great obsurving and learning new things. But me and my exhibition partner are also kind of nervous about the big day because you have to talk in front oof all the people but over all of that exhibition rocks:)
ReplyDeleteexhibion came really fast.im nervous because i dont like talking infront of alot of people.but otherwise exhibition rocks
ReplyDeleteI am really nervous! Exhibition Day is 2morrow! I can`t believe, it because only a few days ago, Exhibiton Day seemed very far away. : ) : ) : )